Neighborhood Services
Service Requests

Get to know the city services that
you can request on Chicago’s 311.
Street or Alley Light Out
Report a street or alley light outage on a street (street lights are located on metal poles, alley lights are located on a wooden pole). Please be sure to check the exact address of the light.
Garbage Cart Black Maintenance/Replacement
If your black plastic City of Chicago garbage cart is missing, it may be replaced. You must let us know how many carts are missing, and how many carts you have remaining at the address. We also need to know the approximate date when you first noticed the cart missing
Rodent Baiting/Rat Complaint
Use this service request to report a rodent or rat problem. You can request for your alley to be baited and your backyard.
Street and Alley Pothole
Report street and alley potholes. Be sure to be as detailed in describing the location of the pothole. To report a utility cut (a square cut made for utility repairs) or a sinkhole (a deep dip or void in the pavement) call 311 directly.
Tree Trim Update
As of April 2023, the Bureau of Forestry has moved towards an Area Tree Trim model to trim the trees in the city. Therefore, Tree trim requests are no longer being accepted on 311. Each Tuesday and area of the ward will have its trees trimmed, and they plan to follow this plan the remainder of they year, weather permitting. All other tree related requests will be accepted through 311.
Graffiti Removal Request
Use this request to report graffiti that is on your property, public property or on someone else’s property. Graffiti will be removed from public or private property by Graffiti Program. Graffiti will either be painted over (if the graffiti is on a painted surface) or blasted off with a high pressure baking soda and water solution (if it is on brick, cement or stone).
Clean and Greens
You can email our office for more information about how to organize a Clean and Green for your block. Please reach out to jordan@33rdward.org
Block Parties
Applications for Block Party in 2025 are now open
A block party permit allows you permission to close your residential street to traffic and occupy the street for the purpose of having a block party with your neighbors. Block parties must be open to all residents of the given block and therefore residents should make efforts to engage their neighbors in these events.
Returning applicants may apply by clicking the application button below.
Residents interested in hosting a block party for the FIRST TIME on your block will submit the application (below) and e-mail us a petition signed by 60% of the buildings on the block.
If you would like to request a bouncy house from the city’s Jumping Jack program. These are approved on a first-come first-served basis so we ask that you put your requests right away.
Garage, Yard, and Apartment Sales
In 1996, the City of Chicago began requiring permits for garage, yard, and apartment sales to guard against perpetual yard sales. Residents planning to hold garage, yard and apartment sales can obtain their required permits through our office. There is no fee for obtaining these permits. Please complete the form below and note the rules and restrictions on the first page of the application form. You can submit the application online by clicking the “contact us” button on the bottom right hand corner of this page or come into the office and we will issue your permit.
Please follow CDPH’s guidelines for any sales happening during COVID-19 pandemic
Letter of Exception for Residential Permit Parking
To purchase a Chicago City Vehicle Sticker with a residential parking zone number you must reside in the residential parking zone, or provide the Chicago City Clerk with an exception letter. If you live near a residential permit parking zone, but not in the zone, you may qualify for an exception letter allowing you to add residential parking zone to your Chicago Vehicle Sticker.
Neighbors can apply for a letter of exception when they want permission to park in a permit zone area that they don’t live in. You can check permit zones here. We prioritize on residents that:
- Are people with disabilities
- Are elders 64 and older
- Reside in a corner house/apt. or within a one block radius of the zone in any cardinal direction
- Are homecare/healthcare/caregiver who work on the block
For more information about Letters of Exception, please call our office at (773)-840-7880 or apply at the link below.
Residential Permit Parking Zone Request
The Chicago City Clerk administers our city’s residential permit parking program. Residential permit parking was created in order to ensure that parking on residential streets is primarily utilized by the residents of the block. Residential permit parking makes most sense near train stops and vibrant commercial corridors (where there is a higher risk of individuals parking their car to ride the train or to shop nearby). Residential permit parking does not make sense in dense residential areas, where nearly everyone parking on the block lives on the block or around the corner.
If you or your neighbors would like to pursue residential permit parking we ask that you first contact or visit our office for more information, circulate the petition on your block, and then submit it to our office. Once the petition signatures have been verified, our office will submit the request for residential permit parking to the Chicago City Council and the City Clerk. The City Clerk will review the request and make a recommendation.
Disabled Parking Signs
Residential Disabled Parking was established to provide residents with disabilities convenient and accessible parking in close proximity to their residences. To apply to have Disabled Parking signs installed near your home, please review the city’s guidelines and complete the Disabled Parking Application below.
Your completed application and the $70.00 fee may be submitted to our office or mailed to the city’s Department of Finance:
P.O. Box 803100
Chicago, IL 60680-3100
ATTN: Disabled Permit Section
If you need to update, renewals, or remove you signs, please submit the renewal form.
Speed Hump Installation Request
Speed humps are intended to slow the speed of traffic to protect our neighbors. Residents may apply to the Chicago Department of Transportation to install or remove speed humps. Note that we require 60% of the buildings on the affected block to sign the petition to install or remove speed humps, not 60% of the total residents. For example, if there are 15 buildings on both sides of the block, then one person from at least 9 buildings must sign the petition. When it comes to speed humps being installed in the alley, buildings on both sides of the alley must sign the petition. Once you have a filled out petition, please submit it to our office in person or via email at info@33rdward.org. Make sure to have ‘Speed Hump Petition Form’ in the subject line.
Driveway Parking Control Sign Request
To request tow zone parking signs at your driveway, please complete the following form.