Food Pantries
New Life Church
3729 W Leland Ave
Chicago, IL 60625
(312) 489-8861
Food Distribution Hours:
1st Tuesday of the Month: 4pm-6pm
Albany Park Food Pantry
3523 W Wilson Ave
(773) 478-7941
Food Distribution Hours:
Wednesday: 9 am-11am
The Friendship Center
2711 W Lawrence Ave
Chicago, IL 60625
(773) 907-6388
Food Distribution Hours:
Monday, Thursday, Friday: 12pm-4pm
Tuesday: 3pm-7pm
Anthem Church
3850 W. Montrose Ave
(773) 270-0113
Food Distribution Hours:
3rd Saturday of the Month: 10 am-12pm
Irving Park Community Food Pantry
4256 N. Ridgeway Ave
(773) 283-6296
Food Distribution Hours:
2nd Tuesday of the month: 6pm-7pm
Wednesday: 9 am-12pm
Tabor Church
3542 W Sunnyside Ave
Chicago, IL 60625
Pastor Ramirez (630) 551-5875
Lakeview Pantry – Sheridan Market
3945 N. Sheridan Rd.
Chicago, IL 60613
(773) 525-1777
Food Distribution Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday: 11am – 3pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 4pm – 7pm
Mutual Aid near you: Groceries, Food delivery, materials, and more…
Mutual Aid Networks serving 33rd Ward Residents
If you are in need of food/groceries pick up or delivery, supplies (i.e., medicine, cleaning products, etc) information about financial assistance, mental health care, or you are generally having trouble, click below to request support by reaching out to one of the neighborhood Mutual Aid groups listed below.
Albany Park
Call: (312) 854-9741 or log on to Albanyparkmutualaid.com
Irving Park
Call: (708) 966-9752 or e-mail IrvingParkMutualAid@gmail.com
Call (708) 620-7941 or log on to https://www.avondalemutualaid.org/espanol/english-home/
Services Available to Immigrants
Community Health // provides medical services in English, Spanish and Polish to low-income Chicago residents who are uninsured. You may call 773-395-9900 or log on to their website.
Cook County Health (CCH) // Treats undocumented people living within Cook county. CCH is a public health system with a program called CareLink, for people who are uninsured or undersinsured, including undocumented immigrants. Many CareLink recipients are undocumented. CareLink is accepted in all health clinics and hospitals within CCH. Individuals receiving CareLink do not have to worry about any medical bills.
Planned Parenthood // delivers reproductive health care even if you are uninsured, underinsured or undocumented. To learn more you may call 1-800-230-7526 or log on their website.
Free Clinics Near You
Heartland Health Center – Albany Park // 3737 W. Lawrence Avenue // (773) 366-7777
Erie Foster Avenue Health Center // 5215 N California Ave, 7 Fl // (312) 666-3494
Erie Helping Hands Health Center // 4747 N Kedzie Ave // (312) 666-3494
If you see something that you believe may be an ICE raid or action in our community call 855-435-7693
Protecting Immigrant Workers
If you have DACA and you are out of a job due to COVID-19, you are entitled to apply for unemployment insurance. The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights created this infographic for workers with DACA.
The National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) put together this guide to answer questions regarding federal, state and other benefits and how they apply to immigrants.
Apply for Public Benefits Programs for Seniors & Low Income Families

COVID-19 Testing
Swedish Hospital
Drive Through COVID-19 Testing Tent
2899 W. Carmen Ave.
Chicago IL 60625
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. to noon
Call 773-907-7700 to schedule an appointment
Medicare & Medicaid
Click the links below to view a guide that covers answers to questions that Medicare recipients may have regarding the COVID-19 vaccines and coverage: retireguide.com/medicare/coverage/services/preventive/vaccines/covid-19/
Informational page about Medicare below: retireguide.com/medicare/
Food for you and your family
- Albany Park Food Pantry // At Christ Lutheran Church (3253 W Wilson Ave), open on Wednesdays, 9AM-11AM, if you cannot make these times call Pastor Tom at 773-478-7941
- Drake Gardens // Several volunteers have set up a shed at Drake Garden (4643 N Drake) with food for any neighbors who need food. It is regularly filled and you may stop by at your convenience.
- Find a food pantry near you to pick up groceries for free on the Greater Chicago Food Depository website. Most sites will offer free delivery to seniors.
- Supplemental Assistance for Needy Families (SNAP): An emergency coronavirus bill, will suspend the work and work training requirements for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) during the coronavirus pandemic, according to the New York Times. Stay tuned for updates. Meanwhile, you can apply here for SNAP assistance.
- Lakeview Pantry – Sheridan Market: 3945 N. Sheridan Rd, (773) 525-1777
- Food Distribution Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday: 11am – 3pm, Tuesday & Thursday: 4pm – 7pm
- Individuals seeking Housing Case Management services can connect visit Lakeview Pantry at 3945 N. Sheridan Rd on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays between 11am-2pm.
Mental Health Services
NAMI Chicago

Rincon Family Services

Mental Health Resources for Veterans
According to Science Direct, over 1 in 10 male veterans are depressed. And, female veterans face an even higher rate of depression at 15%. Along with this, major depressive disorder and alcohol use disorder is 3-5 times more likely to occur for those with PTSD.
Inland Empire TMS is dedicated to raising awareness on mental health. They have created a resource page on veterans and depression to educate communities and provide treatment options which you can see here: https://inlandempiretms.com/veterans-and-depression/
Medication Assisted Recovery – Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the Illinois Department of Human Services Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (IDHS/SUPR) announced the launch of MAR NOW (Medication Assisted Recovery), a new pilot program to offer immediately available medication to Chicagoans to treat opioid use disorder (OUD).
The MAR NOW hotline (833-234-6343) will allow people to talk directly with a treatment provider, and receive a prescription over the phone, or get a same day appointment.

Oak Street Health – Become a Patient

The Living Room – Forever Hope – alternatives to traditional psychiatric hospitalization

Forever Hope is part of the Peer Success Program and is based off of the Living Room model of crisis recovery. As the name suggests, Living Rooms are homey, quiet, safe spaces for those experiencing a mental health crisis to get relief. The Living Room model is unique in that it is staffed entirely by peers – people in recovery from mental illness and/or substance use. Living Rooms are meant as alternatives to traditional psychiatric hospitalization. The goal is to link someone in crisis with a peer specialist who can utilize their special skills, trauma informed practices, and personal recovery stories to help others along their own journeys with mental illness. The Living Room staff includes Qualified Mental Health Practitioners, who are also in recovery, to help ensure our guests are safe during and after their visit. Our skilled team de-escalates in a way that confirms our guests’ autonomy, empowers them, and inspires hope. We utilize recovery oriented, person first language in all our endeavors.
Forever Hope is available to adults 18 and older who are in a mental health crisis. Our center is ideal for anyone experiencing extreme anxiety, severe depression, distressing voices, thoughts of harm, etc. This program is not ideal for someone who needs immediate medical attention or for someone behaving violently. We will serve people who are intoxicated as long as they are sober enough to have a productive conversation with staff. Walk-ins are welcome though we encourage you to call ahead first. There is a capacity to serve 3 – 4 guests at any one time, depending on the number of staff on shift. Feel free to forward this email and the attached flyers to your fellow peers and please reach out to us with any questions or referrals!
· Living Room address: 4423 N Ravenswood Ave, Chicago IL, 60640
· Hours: 2 pm – 9 pm, with our last guest accepted at 8 pm
· Living Room phone #: ( 773)-537-3601
· Open Monday’s – Friday’s including holidays that fall during the week
· The Living Room is free, no insurance or income requirements
Illinois Emergency Homeowner Assistance Fund
Mortgage or Property Tax Assistance program opens April 11, 2022!
Illinois homeowners who have fallen behind on payments due to the pandemic will be able to seek support from Illinois Emergency Homeowner Assistance Fund (ILHAF) program provided by the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA). In order to apply, you must have a certificate from a HUD-certified housing counselor or a letter from your mortgage servicer detailing efforts to resolve your delinquency. Find a HUD-certified housing counselor at: https://www.illinoishousinghelp.org/ilhaf#locator-map
Emergency Rental Assistance
The Emergency Rental Assistance Program provides financial assistance to Chicago residents, directly related to the prevention of homelessness, to eligible individuals and families who are in danger of eviction in order to stabilize individuals and families in their existing rental unit.
Who Can Receive These Services?
Persons who may be eligible include households that are in immediate risk of homelessness. The household must document a temporary economic crisis beyond its control and must be able to demonstrate an ability to meet the prospective rental obligations after the assistance has been granted based on current or anticipated income.
At the moment, the way to receive this service is by applying at one of of the 6 Community Service Centers located at:
- Englewood Center, 1140 W. 79th Street, Chicago, IL 60620, 312-747-0200
- Garfield Center, 10 S. Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60612, 312-746-5400
- King Center, 4314 S. Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, IL 60653, 312-747-2300
- North Area, 845 W. Wilson Avenue, Chicago, IL 60640, 312- 744-2580
- South Chicago, 8650 S. Commercial Avenue, Chicago, IL 60617, 312-747-0500
- Trina Davila, 4312 W. North Avenue, Chicago, IL 60639, 312-744-2014
More information below.
Help Illinois Family — People’s Gas Program 2022
People’s Gas payment options and shutoff information

Utility Bill Relief (UBR)

CEDA Energy Services & Home Weatherization Flyer

North River Commisssion (NRC) local business services
NORTH RIVER COMMISSION (NRC) // Contact NRC if your local business is in need of support, Mon – Fri, 9AM–5PM (773) 478-0202 or via e-mail at info@northrivercommission.org
Miscellaneous Resources
Need help with your pets?