Category: 33rd Ward News

2024 Participatory Budgeting Results

2024 Participatory Budgeting Results

2024 Participatory Budgeting Results / Resultados del Presupuesto Participativo 2024 Results as follows in order of the most amount of votes: Patrick Henry Playground Improvements Fund additional green alleys (concrete alleys) in the ward Lights on the basketball courts at Horner Park Cleveland Elementary Nature Classroom These results came from 1586 total votes from residents with over 1600 residents engaged in the Participatory Budgeting process! 50% ($500,000) of our $1million of total funding will go towards the projects with the highest votes from our community. The other 50% will go towards street and alley improvements in our ward. Los resultadosContinue

2023 Participatory Budgeting Results

2023 Voting Results are in! Results as follows in order of the most amount of votes: Creating bike lanes on Central Park Ave & Berteau Ave Installing a turf field in Linne Elementary School's playground Adding more garbage cans and planters between Lawrence Ave & Wilson Ave along Kimball Ave Renovating Haugan Elementary School's Play Space These results came from 1341 total votes from residents with over 1500 residents engaged in the Participatory Budgeting process! 50% ($500,000) of our funding will go towards the projects with the highest votes from our community and the other 50% will go towards streetContinue

Avondale Yard Sale

We are partnering with Avondale neighbors from the Chicago Handcrafted Market group to put together a neighborhood-wide yard sale in Avondale. You are all invited to attend this yard sale which has 60+ participating addresses. Date & Time: Saturday, July 9, 2022 from 9am-3pm. If you're on Facebook, join the Facebook group below to hear from vendors on what items they're selling and more. Find an address near you that is participating in the Avondale Neighborhood Yard sale! Printables: Paper Map: Print a paper map to use as you move around the neighborhood to find participating addresses: Yard Sale MapDownloadContinue

Join a Community Clean & Green!

This year, as part of the neighborhood clean-up program, join us for Neighborhood Clean & Greens. Assist us in keeping our neighborhood clean and our natural areas thriving! Please indicate which day(s) you would want to participate.Our office will provide grabbers, gloves, and garbage bags. Specific locations will be sent to registrants and announced closely to the date. Fill out the form below to register to attend. Want supplies to host a clean & green of your own? Fill out the form with that information and our staff will contact you. Albany Park Date: Saturday, April 23rdTime: 10am - 1Continue

Updates regarding Richmond/Montrose Fire

Updates regarding Richmond/Montrose Fire

Early February 21, our community was devastated with a fire that left 16 individuals without homes. The fire also destroyed two businesses, Twisted Hippo and Ultimate Ninjas on Montrose. After many hours of hard work from my staff and several community groups and with the generous outpouring of support from our neighbors, we have been able to provide some form of relief to almost every individual impacted by the fire. Below are some updates on that work. Financial Donations for Individuals Impacted by fire Immediately after the fire we got to work reaching out to our community partners to makeContinue

Local School Council Applications are NOW OPEN until March 4, 2022!

Local School Council members are elected every two years by parents, community members, and school staff. Members serve two-year terms, with the exception of student representatives, who serve one-year terms. Interested candidates must complete several application forms. LSC Responsibilities How to Apply 2022 Traditional Local School Council Nomination Materials 2022 Appointed Local School Council / Board of Governors Nomination Materials New for the SY22 Election: Elementary students may run for a seat in Traditional LSCs. Students in sixth grade and up may now run! LSC Responsibilities Monitoring the school improvement plan—also known as their school’s CIWP.Monitoring the school's budget andContinue

2022 Participatory Budgeting Results

2022 Voting Results are in! Results as follows: Results for Question #1 Below are the results in order of most votes to least for the question "What amount of the $1 million should go toward alley/street resurfacing?" The projects below are in order of most votes to least. The winning amount was $500,000. RankAmountOnlinePaperTotal Votes1$500,000193282212$300,0007919983$400,0005523784$700,0006811795$600,0005513686$800,000529617$200,0004113548$100,000382409$1,000,00017203710$900,00032234 Since the final vote for street and alley repavements was 50% of total funds, or $500,000. We will apply the remaining $500,000 toward PB projects, regardless of how many projects that includes. In other words, instead of only funding the top five projects, we will fundContinue

Shared Cost Sidewalk Program 2022

Shared Cost Sidewalk Program 2022

The 2022 Shared Cost Sidewalk Program will be opening for applications on January 10th from 6AM - 10 PM. Applications are taken on a first-come first-served basis. Applications will be accepted through 311 by either calling 311 or visiting You may also call our office at 773-840-7880 if you would like help submitting your application. Read more below: 2022-SCSP-Overview-and-FAQ_Program-OpeningDownload

Winter Weather Tips

Higher Gas Bills Anticipated This Winter  As we head into winter, Peoples Gas is informing customers that their heating bills will likely rise as the temperatures fall due the price of natural gas, which has more than doubled this year. The increase is due mainly to tight supplies and a worldwide increase in demand for natural gas. An analysis done by Peoples Gas predicts the typical residential customer will pay $60 more a month this winter compared to last winter.   Bill payment assistance is available through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and the Share the WarmthContinue

4747 N Sawyer Ave. Chicago, IL 60625