Local hotlines for Senior services
Chicago Senior Services Hotline: 312.744.4016
Illinois Senior Helpline: 800.252.8966
SAGE Brigade
The newly formed 33rd Ward Sage Brigade is a group of fellow seniors looking to circulate information about benefits and resources available to seniors. And, as COVID allows, establish an outreach program ensuring all seniors feel recognized and valued.
Could you or someone you know benefit from this information, or would you like to connect with other seniors in the community? If so, fill out the form below:

Rincon ‘s Community Care Program (CCP)
Rincon Family Services CCP Program provides general non-medical support by supervised home aides who have received specialized training in the provision of home care aide services. Rincon’s in-home care services are built around transforming day-to-day caregiving into opportunities for meaningful conversation and activities that engage and enrich the lives of clients. This means that Homecare Aide service helps older people maintain their quality of life by continuing to live in their own homes, by helping them with some of the tasks they can no longer complete on their own.
Services of CCP include but are not limited to:
1) Assisting with essential shopping (basic groceries and pick up medications).
2) Performing of meal planning and preparation.
3) Assisting with self-administered medication, which shall be limited to: reminding the client to take his/her medications and reading instructions for utilization.
4) Observing the client’s functioning and condition and reporting changes.
Eligibility requirements for this program are as followed:
- Determined physically in need of service – meaning at least moderately impaired
- Resident of the State of Illinois
- Age 60 or older
- Meet the asset requirements
- Have applied for Medical benefits
For more information or to receive support applying to the program, please visit their website or call 773-956-0914

Senior Case Management Services
Metropolitan Family Services: Below is the list of services the organization offers. To request these services, contact the organization’s intake line at 773-371-3745
- Adult Protective Services investigates reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation of seniors ages 60 and older and adults with disabilities. When abuse is substantiated, interventions are planned with the victim, family and others to reduce risk of further harm. Legal and senior self-neglect services are offered at certain locations.
- Family Caregiver Support groups give children of aging parents, spouses and long-distance caregivers of seniors older than 60 or adults with Alzheimer’s or Dementia an opportunity to share caregiving concerns, learn to balance their needs with those of their loved ones, manage stress, feel supported by others who share their journey, and get helpful tips and resources.
- Grandparents Raising Grandchildren helps mobilize support services for older caregivers who are raising children and assists in future planning including assessment, referrals, support and educational groups, and in certain instances family and individual counseling.
- Older Caregivers Project helps older caregivers plan for children’s long-term care (permanency planning). It aids families in establishing a stronger support system through case management and linkages to community resources, ensures the well-being and safety of the children and caregivers, and provides a recommendation regarding the permanency of the children.
- Senior Counseling helps physically, emotionally and/or economically vulnerable older adults function as independently as possible. It includes in-home or office assessments, family and individual counseling, support groups, case management and links to resources.
- Senior Homeowners Program serves low- to moderate-income homeowners age 60 or older who have difficulty maintaining their homes. The program provides referrals to reputable home repair contractors and links seniors to city departments and programs to help maintain their property. We also conduct workshops on topics such as reducing consumer fraud.
Home Repairs for Seniors
Small Accessible Repairs for Seniors (SARFS) provides safety, security, and accessibility improvements in the dwellings of eligible seniors so that seniors may remain in their homes and improve their quality of life.
Eligible improvements:
- Safety devices: fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectorso
- Minor floor and step repairs
- Repair & replacement of locking hardware on doors
- Grab bars, transfer benches & tub assist bars in bathrooms
- Chair-height toilets
- Accessible faucets
- Handrails
- Handheld showers
Eligibility Requirements
Senior citizens,60 years or older, who meet HUD income eligibility guidelines. For example, $58,250 maximum for a family or household of 2 (But call to verify maximum income for your household.)
Owners or renters (with landlord’s permission), living in single family homes or multi-family buildings from1-4 units
Medicare Plans & Resources for Assisted Living and Long-Term Care
A Medicare representative has sent our office information for those who have questions about the kinds of support Medicare can provide. Below are a few questions that their website answers for seniors that are seeking support.
- What Is Assisted Living or Long-term Care?
- What Are Your Long-term Care Rights Under Medicare?
- Who Is Eligible for Medicare Coverage of Long-term Care?
- What Long-term Care Services Does Medicare Cover?
- What Are Assisted Living Services?
- What Long-term Care Services Does Medicare Not Cover?
- And More!
Click here for more information.
Free Legal Services for Seniors
Call 312-744-4016 to schedule an intake interview with Department of Family & Support Services, Senior Services Division.
Hearing aids for individuals 50-79 years