Rental Assistance Program from City of Chicago (Closes on January 31, 2022)
Rental Assistance from the State of Illinois (closes January 9, 2022)

The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) Illinois Rental Payment Program (ILRPP) is NOW accepting applications through Sunday, January 9, 2022. If your household or your tenant has experienced hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you may be eligible for rental assistance. Grant amounts will vary and will be matched to the tenant’s specific needs.
Tenants are eligible to receive a one-time grant of up to $25,000 paid directly to their landlord on their behalf. However, if the landlord chooses not to complete their application, tenants may receive ILRPP payments directly.
Eligibility requirements include
- Applicant lives in Illinois and rents their home as their primary residence.
- Applicant must have experienced a financial hardship directly or indirectly due to the pandemic.
- Household income is below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI), adjusted for household size.
- Household must have an unpaid rent balance.
- Proof of citizenship is not required. Rental assistance is not a “public charge” benefit.
- Tenants residing in state- or federally-subsidized housing are eligible to apply
Assistance will cover up to 18 months of emergency rental payments, including up to 15 months of missed rent payments and up to three months of future rent payments
- For program information, FAQs, and to start the application process, please visit
- Please note: This is a joint application that requires both the renters and the Housing Provider/Landlord to submit their information
- Proof of citizenship is NOT required in order to apply
Questions? Contact Questions.ILRPP@IHDA.ORG or 866-454-3571.
El Programa de Pago de Renta de Illinois ya está abierto y aceptando solicitudes hasta el domingo, 9 de enero del 2022. Aplique para recibir hasta $25,000 dólares en ayuda de emergencia de renta en
La asistencia cubrirá hasta 18 meses de pagos de alquiler de emergencia, incluidos hasta 15 meses de pagos de alquiler atrasados y hasta tres meses de pagos de alquiler futuros
Para ser eligible:
- Solicitante vive en Illinois y alquila su casa como su residencia principal.
- Solicitante debe haber experimentado dificultades financieras directa o indirectamente debido a la pandemia.
- El ingreso familiar está por debajo del 80% del ingreso medio del área (AMI), ajustado por tamaño del hogar.
- Solicitante debe tener pagos pendientes de renta.
- No se requiere prueba de ciudadanía. La asistencia para el alquiler no es un beneficio de “carga pública”.
- Los inquilinos que residen en viviendas subsidiadas por el estado o el gobierno federal tambien son elegibles para solicitar
¿Preguntas? Comuníquese por correo electronico en QUESTIONS.ILRPP@IHDA.ORG o línea gratuita: 866-454-3571.
- Tenga en cuenta: esta es una solicitud conjunta que requiere que tanto los inquilinos como el proveedor de vivienda / propietario envíen su información
- NO se requiere prueba de ciudadanía para presentar la solicitud