Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez // 33rd Ward Alderman

Alderwoman Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez is a mother and resident of the Albany Park neighborhood. Prior to taking office, Alderwoman Rodriguez-Sanchez worked as a youth educator and was involved in community groups as an activist and organizer.
Her priorities as Alderwoman include protecting neighborhood affordability, supporting our ward’s immigrant population, young people, and diverse communities, and creating more democratic processes so that ward residents are involved in the decisions that impact their lives.
Originally from Puerto Rico, Alderwoman Rodriguez-Sanchez has been a lifelong advocate for public education, labor rights, and the wellbeing of youth and families. Her career as an educator includes eight years as a director and mentor in a nationally acclaimed youth theater company in Albany Park, where she guided high school students to fulfill their artistic and academic potential. Alderwoman Rodriguez-Sanchez is the first Latinx Alderman to represent the 33rd Ward. She serves as chair of the immigration committee on the City Council’s Latino Caucus and is a member of the Progressive Caucus.
She serves on the City Council’s committees on Education and Child Development, Environmental Protection and Energy, Ethics and Government Oversight, Health and Human Relations, Pedestrian and Traffic Safety, and Committees and Rules.
Ward Staff
Below you can read about our staff and their different roles. If you wish to direct a question to any one of them you may e-mail and address the e-mail to them. Our team works collaboratively to effectively address all sorts of neighborhood issues in a timely manner. You may also call 773-840-7880 during office hours to speak to them.
Veronica Tirado-Mercado // Chief of Staff

Veronica is a public health educator who has worked in harm reduction programs for drug users, mental health services and restorative justice initiatives in Chicago and in Puerto Rico. Veronica completed her Masters in Public Health Education from the University of Puerto Rico.
I can answer your questions regarding:
Scheduling meetings with the Alderwoman and/or other staff, media inquiries, Alderman’s legislative work
Stacy Erenberg // Director of Neighborhood Services

Stacy Rene Erenberg is a Chicago based, abolitionist, musician, facilitator and educator. All of her work is deeply rooted in the practice of Harm Reduction and being Trauma Informed. She is excited to work at the 33rd Ward Alderman’s office as the Director of Neighborhood Services. She has almost 20 years of experience as a youth worker, community organizer, healing and restorative justice practitioner, and teacher. She wants to inspire and support neighbors in the 33rd Ward in fostering a thriving dynamic community for ALL. When she is not writing songs or spending time with family, she loves dancing, crossword puzzles and watching cooking shows. Visit her website for information on current projects and upcoming events:
I can answer your questions regarding:
City services, 311 requests, infrastructure projects, participatory budgeting/menu funds, community safety/community health initiatives, traffic studies
Eric Ramos // Ward Superintendent

Father, community organizer, Union Ironworker, and now your Ward Superintendent. Eric is a Chicago native, passionate and proud of his city and all its residents. From building the city, to organizing to help those in need, to keeping the streets clean and getting you the services you need. Eric strives everyday to improve the lives of Chicagoans. Eric spends his free time with his two children, feeding his love for live music, reading, and helping out at a local free store. If you see him driving around the 33rd Ward in his Streets and Sanitation truck be sure to say hello and let him know if there’s any thing you need.
I can answer your questions regarding:
Street cleaning, snow removal, garbage pick-up, fly dumping, sanitation code violations