Dear 33rd Ward Community,
Yesterday was the Spring Equinox and officially the first day of spring! The sun is with us for longer and longer each day, and I and my staff hope this extra sunlight is providing you all with extra energy and inspiration to reconnect with friends and the community. We can’t wait to see our neighborhoods slowly come out of winter hibernation with block parties, festivals, and games in the parks and playgrounds. I wanted to highlight a variety of upcoming events from my office and neighborhood organizations in the spirit of reconnecting with nature and community.
Israel’s Gifts of Hope Good Friday Peace Walk will begin at noon on Friday, March 29 starting at the Christ Lutheran Church at 3253 W Wilson Ave. Presented by Israel’s Gifts of Hope, Moms Demand Action, Christ Lutheran Church. Join us as we walk through Albany Park to remember those that have been taken by violence and raise awareness on the impacts violence has on all of us in the community. Bring a photo of your loved one or a sign with a positive message to share. We will conclude with a light lunch and FREE Easter baskets for children that attend the walk.
My ward office will be hosting a townhall about water health and the environment at Roosevelt High School on Saturday, April 13 from 1-2:30pm. The 33rd Ward Office will be hosting community leaders, organizations, and elected representatives to talk with our community about water health and how we can all work together to protect our environment and prepare to respond to the effects of Climate Change on our neighborhoods like flooding and more. I also wanted to share that discounted rain barrels are available for purchase. Click here to purchase. Up to 2 rain barrels can be purchased and delivered per household.
Friends of the Park is hosting a Citywide Earth Day Parks Clean Up on Saturday, April 20. Join thousands of volunteers in parks across Chicago in picking up litter and putting down mulch to give our precious green spaces a fresh start for the season. To make this event possible, we need site captains to recruit and organize all those wonderful volunteers. Please sign up to be a site captain for your park.
Global Garden Refugee Training Farm (GGRTF) is looking for more refugees or asylum seekers interested in gardening to join our farm starting in April! They are offering free garden plots for our refugee and asylum-seeking community. Each household will receive one 3′ x 30′ plot and seeds for free to grow for home use. If you or anyone you know is interested, please contact Jessica Davis, Development and Programs Manager at GGRTF at or at 872-325-3403.
As always, please reach out to my office if you have any questions. We are here to help.
– Rossana, 33rd Ward Alderwoman
Address: 4747 N Sawyer Ave, Chicago, IL 60625
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 10am – 5pm; Friday 9am – 4pm
Phone: 773-840-7880
Connect with us and access resources by clicking here.
Our office has space for children to play while waiting for their parents to receive help. Please don’t hesitate to bring your children if you need help.
Ward Night
Next: Monday, March 25, from 4:00pm – 6:00pm at 4747 N Sawyer Ave
Upcoming: April 15
Ward Night is an opportunity to bring your questions or concerns to the Alderwoman in a one-on-one meeting. Each Ward Night is first come, first serve. Walk-ins will be taken until 5:45 pm. For more information, please contact our office at or 773-840-7880.

SAGE BrigadeThursday, April 6 2024 at 11AM- 1PM
Ward Office: 4747 N. Sawyer Ave.
You are cordially invited to our next Sage Brigade meeting. We will have a speaker presenting info about the LIHEAP program to help reduce light bills for Seniors.
Sage Brigade is a group of volunteers to help seniors with benefit information and fill out some applications in case they need help. Anyone can attend, but we focus on providing information regarding benefits or programs for seniors. Please reach out to our office at if you would like to join! Stay tuned for future events.

Proposal to lift Liquor Moratorium – Public Meeting
March 28 at 5pm via Zoom
Register for virtual meeting by clicking here.
Give feedback through April 11 by clicking here.
Neighbors are invited to learn about a proposal to lift the Liquor Moratorium that is in place at 4225 N. Kedzie. Residents will have an opportunity to ask questions and submit feedback to inform the Alderman’s decision. Lifting a liquor moratorium allows for the new business/ business owner to apply for a liquor license. If moratorium is lifted, the business will still need to go through an application process for their liquor license.

Save the Date – Ward Office Townhall
Saturday April 13, 2024 from 1-2:30pm
Roosevelt High School
The 33rd Ward Office will be hosting community leaders, organizations, and elected representatives to talk with our community about water health and how we can all work together to protect our environment and prepare to respond to the effects of Climate Change on our neighborhoods like flooding and more. Stay tuned for more information.

City Key event with Latino Union
Tuesday, April 23, 2024 from 12-4pm
Latino Union Office: 4811 N Central Park Ave

Participatory Budgeting
Participatory Budgeting 2024-25 cycle in in Phase 1: Idea collection. Neighbors can submit ideas of things they would like to see in their communities now through September when our committee will begin meeting again. You can submit ideas by clicking here. You can volunteer for the committee by clicking here. Be sure to fill out that you would like to volunteer for the Participatory Budgeting committee! You can view results from 2023-24 cycle and learn more about PB by clicking here.
Current Zoning Proposals Under Review:
Please follow our Facebook and other social media accounts for the most up to date notices on public meetings and input surveys regarding zoning changes in the ward. You can also regularly check our Zoning page on our website by clicking here.
New Zoning Change Proposal: 2934 w. Irving Park
The applicant is seeking a zoning change to allow for a demolition of the current SFH and building of a new construction with 3 rental units.
Review Project Details and Submit feedback by March 29, 2024.

3316-28 W Montrose: Our CDZD partners and the Developer of 3316-28 W Montrose Ave have reviewed the community feedback we have received and the Developer is working on new plans that incorporate feedback that is feasible for the project. We will update the plans and send out when they are received.
3325-3331 N Whipple: Based on the Community Feedback, the Developer is working on new plans for Option 2 which received 77% support from our public feedback form. We will send out updates once we receive the new plans.
City Council Updates
We will use this space to share updates on legislation coming through the Committee on Health and Human Relations and City Council. You can attend meetings at City Hall, 2nd Floor Council Chambers or stream online by visiting the City Clerk’s website where a link will be posted on the homepage exactly at the posted meeting start time. City Council will met on Wednesday, March 20, 2024 and will meet next on April 17, at 10am.
City Council Committees Updates
Chicago City Council maintains a number of committees on topics related to the business of the city. You can attend meetings at City Hall, 2nd Floor Council Chambers (unless otherwise noted) or stream online by visiting the City Clerk’s website where a link will be posted on the homepage exactly at the posted meeting start time.
Kimball Curbside Study Survey
Help the City of Chicago build better connections to the Kimball Station! Do you shop on Lawrence Ave.? Take the bus or the Brown Line? Or live in Albany Park? You can win a $50 gift card for sharing your thoughts on possible street improvements. Take the survey by clicking here.

CPS Whole School Safety Plan – Public Survey
In February of 2024, the Chicago Board of Education passed a resolution expanding the District’s Whole School Safety Framework to all CPS schools. This resolution calls on CPS to develop a new Policy that will establish best practices for a holistic approach to school safety District wide. The new policy will be presented to the Board of Education and we need your voice to make it a success. By completing this short survey, you can help guide our efforts as we create the District’s new Whole School Safety Policy. We ask that you please complete the survey by Monday, April 1, 2024 at 5 p.m. Be sure to check out our Whole School Safety web page for updates and information on the development of this policy.
DCASE Jumping Jack Portal will open for applications
Monday, April 15
With great pleasure, the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE) announces the Jumping Jack Portal will open on Monday, April 15th at 8:00 a.m. The inflatable bounce house is available, free of charge, to Residential Block Parties within the city limits from Saturday, May 25th through Sunday, September 1st. The online application can be found here
Youth Employment with the city through One Summer Chicago program!
Applications due by May 3
We are excited to announce that the One Summer Chicago (OSC) application portal is now open at This year, we are excited to offer over 28,000 paid opportunities to individuals aged 14-24 across public, private, and nonprofit sectors. The application deadline is May 3rd, and we encourage individuals to apply early to increase their chances of receiving a job offer.
Our Summer Youth Employment Program provides employment and internship opportunities for individuals aged 16 – 24, earning $15.80 an hour. We partnered with organizations such as the Chicago Park District, the Lincoln Park Zoo, and Lurie’s Children’s Hospital to provide these valuable opportunities.
For our 14-15-year-olds who are not yet old enough to work, our Chicagobility program offers a chance to explore career pathways, participate in project-based learning and field trips, and earn a $450 stipend for the summer. One Summer Chicago begins on Monday, June 24th, and will conclude on Friday, August 2nd.
CityArts Program with DCASE
Chicago arts and culture nonprofits of all sizes and artistic disciplines can apply for CityArts general operating grants. Applicants must have a primary mission to create, produce, present, provide, or support arts and culture activities or services. The deadline to submit an application is March 25, 2024 at 5:00pm. To learn more and apply, visit

Discounted Rain Barrels Available
Click here to purchase. Only $21.50 and $10.75 for seniors age 65+ Delivery included! Limit: 2 per household. Please note that while orders are being accepted, delivery will resume in April 2024.
Chicago Freedom School 2024 Freedom Fellowship application is open!
Complete the application by March 29th.
This 6-month PAID leadership program supports Black and Brown young people ages 14-17 to learn about social movement history, deepen understanding about systemic inequity, practice collective healing and work in teams to lead an organizing strategy related to either Arts in Activism or Fair & Just Schools.
The Summer Leadership Institute will run July 8-August 2nd, Monday through Friday from 10am to 4pm. From September to December, there will be weekly meet-ups to work on youth-led campaigns.
Fellows are paid a stipend of $1,000. Transportation and food are provided.
How to Apply: Complete the application by March 29th. Apply early if possible. Alumni will interview applicants. Interviews will be rolling with the first round of interviews taking place March 25-29th.

Be advised: Private Booting Illegal in the 33rd Ward
An ordinance was passed on January 24, 2024 restricting private car booting companies from operating in the 33rd ward by city ordinance. Any violations will result in fines to the booting company. If your business’s parking lots currently employ a private booting company and/or displays signs for booting, please be advised that booting cannot proceed in your lot. The ordinance can be reviewed here: click.
Monthly Public Meeting – Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability
On Thursday, March 21, 2024, the Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability will hold their monthly public meeting. The meeting will take place at Kennedy-King College Auditorium (740 W 63rd St Chicago, IL 60621) at 6:30 pm.
Agenda items include:
- Updates on CPD’s Associations Order and incorporation of community feedback
- Vote on Police Board Nominations
For those who are unable to attend the meeting in person, we offer the opportunity to join us virtually, via Zoom. If you wish to speak during the virtual public comment period, kindly request to do so by reaching out to Community Commission staff by emailing In the event that we have more interested speakers than the allotted time permits, we will select speakers through a random drawing process.
We also welcome written public comments, which can be submitted in person during the meeting or sent to
Free Tax Prep through Tax Day with Tax Prep Chicago
With tax season upon us Tax Prep Chicago is once again providing free, in-person and digital tax preparation services to eligible lower-income Chicagoans.
Families earning up to $64,000 and individuals earning up to $32,000 are eligible to take advantage of the free and confidential Tax Prep Chicago assistance at eleven sites across Chicago. Volunteer tax preparers certified through IRS-approved training will assist them with federal and state income tax returns. Most sites will be open until mid-April 2024. Please note that all sites are first come, first served, and refer to the attached flyers and links below for specific information on site locations and hours.
For more information about how to access the free tax assistance program, Chicagoans can:
- Call or text the City’s 2-1-1 helpline
- Visit the City’s tax assistance website at
- Visit the IRS website at and type “free tax help” in the search box or call (800) 829-1040.
Cook County Health Grant Funding Available
Cook County Health has a $44 million grant for community health centers, community-based organizations (CBOs), education agencies, faith-based organizations, and federally qualified health centers (FQHCs). Completed proposals must be submitted by Wednesday, April 17, 2024, no later than 5 PM CT. More information by clicking here.
The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Foundation (CLCF) is proud to announce the opening of its annual Foundation’s scholarship program for the 2024-2025 academic year.
The deadline to apply is Friday, May 3, 2024 at 11:59pm.
CLCF has awarded $1 million of scholarships since 2022, and will award over $200,000 dollars worth of scholarships this year. That is over (40) $5,000 scholarships to qualified students from across Chicago. Are you a college-bound high school student? Or currently an undergraduate student in Chicago? The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Foundation (CLCF) has given over $1 million of scholarships to deserving young people. This year CLCF is providing forty $5,000 scholarships to qualified students from across Chicago. Students can apply online via the Caucus’ website:

Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
CEDA’s Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides heat and electricity assistance, offering support for natural gas, electricity, oil, or propane, with cash aid available for renters and qualified homeowners eligible for vouchers for heating system repairs. Find a partner organization to enroll here.
Chicago Launches Composting Pilot Program
The City of Chicago is launching its first-ever citywide Food Scrap Drop-Off Program, and all Chicago residents are welcome to drop off their household food scraps for composting at one of 15 locations across the city– for FREE! Composting keeps food scraps out of landfills, reduces harmful greenhouse gas emissions, and recycles nutrients that enrich soil. You can learn more here. See this article by The Triibe for information as well.
Our ward has two nearby sites: the Irving Park location at 4605 W Lawrence Ave, and the Avondale location at 3143 N Rockwell St. Images showing the cart locations can be found on the website.
Use this Food Scrap Drop-Off Form to sign up for one of the drop-off sites.
Grid-Based Tree Trimming
The Bureau of Forestry is no longer receiving individual tree trimming requests and has shifted to a grid-based maintenance schedule similar to the street sweeping schedule. You can view the map here.
Current grid section: N044, W036: Montrose to Leeland, Central Park to Harding
Each grid segment can take between three weeks and two months to complete. Tree trimming personnel will be in the ward weekly, weather permitting. Similar to street sweeping notifications, trees will be posted with signage in advance of tree trimming. Upon the completion of each grid segment, we will make an announcement about which grid will be completed next. If you’re worried about the immediate safety of the area around a given tree due to its conditions, you can reach out to 311 or our office so the appropriate service request can be made.
Traffic Notice:
- Ongoing: Please reduce your speeds and stay patient during periods of heavy traffic during school drop-off traffic at Hibbard, Edison, and Albany Park Multicultural Academy schools. This area is a safety zone for our young neighbors and pedestrians. Please consider alternate routes for your commute if school drop off traffic is challenging for your schedule.
Infrastructure Improvement Projects:
- Current: Beginning on March 25th, the Wilson Ave Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic for 9 weeks as the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) performs structural repairs to the floor beam girder connections. Sidewalks will remain open for pedestrians and cyclists. While the bridge is closed, there will be marked detours in place for vehicular traffic. Attached, you can find a map of the eastbound and westbound detour routes that will be in place to direct traffic. Westbound traffic on Wilson Ave will be directed to turn south onto N. Western Ave and then turn east onto W. Montrose Ave to cross the river, after which they will be directed to turn north onto Richmond St to get back to Wilson. Eastbound traffic on Wilson Ave will be directed to turn south onto Manor Ave and then onto California, after which they will turn east onto Montrose to cross the river, and turn north onto Western to get back to Wilson.
- Current: People’s Gas will start a small project next week near Cullom and Albany. The project will consist of replacing a valve and there should not be much disruption, since most of it is underground.
- Current: People’s Gas will be completing work at the following locations: North side: Parking lane closure during the day only. Project in process. South side: Avondale street closure between Albany Ave and alley east of Albany. From March 11th to July 8th all day, with one side of the street open to traffic.
- Current: Road Closure – Department of Water Management private contractor will begin installing an underground sewer structure at the intersection of N Albany Ave and W School St. Due to the nature of the work, this intersection will be closed to traffic for the duration of construction. Work at this location is expected to last approximately 4-6 weeks. Upon completion by the contractor, a City of Chicago In-House sewer crew is expected to continue installation of sewer pipe along W School St between N Albany Ave and N Elston Ave.
Filming Notice:
- Minim Productions, Inc will be filming scenes for the TV Show titled “Kubelik” in your neighborhood on: Saturday March 23, 2024. In order to park essential vehicles and equipment, streets in your area will be posted as a NO PARKING/TOW ZONE during the following dates/times:
- Saturday March 23, 2024 (8AM – 11:45PM) East Side of Kimball Ave from Lawrence Ave to 4720 N Kimball Ave
Volunteer Opportunities
Members of our community have formed the Community Care Collective to direct mutual aid efforts in the 33rd Ward. You can learn about volunteer opportunities by following this link.
Migrant Mission Website
Chicago has added an official Frequently Asked Questions page to their website dedicated to the Migrant Mission. This FAQ details the process for welcoming migrants and responds to many of the questions that have been asked by the public. Check this page for information.
Good Friday Peace Walk
Friday, March 29 at noon
Christ Lutheran Church at 3253 W Wilson Ave
Presented by Israel’s Gifts of Hope, Moms Demand Action, Christ Lutheran Church. Join us as we walk through Albany Park to remember those that have been taken by violence and raise awareness on the impacts violence has on all of us in the community. Bring a photo of your loved one or a sign with a positive message to share. We will conclude with a light lunch and FREE Easter baskets for children that attend the walk.
Northwest Brew Fest with Albany Park Chamber of Commerce
Saturday, April 13 from 12-4pm
Location: Meeting Tomorrow, 2901 W Lawrence Ave
Get tickets
Northwest Brewfest celebrates our amazing brewers on the Northwest Side of Chicago. We are excited to gather together on Saturday, April 13th at Meeting Tomorrow, 2901 W Lawrence Ave. The annual Northwest Brewfest provides the opportunity to meet brewers and fermenters while sampling the delicious beverages they have to offer. Capacity is limited, so purchase your ticket in advance! *You must be 21 or older to participate.
Free Garden Plots for Refugee and Asylum Seekers
Global Garden Refugee Training Farm (GGRTF) is looking for more refugees or asylum seekers interested in gardening to join our farm starting in April! Each household will receive one 3′ x 30′ plot and seeds for free to grow for home use. If you or anyone you know is interested, please contact Jessica Davis, Development and Programs Manager at GGRTF at or at 872-325-3403.

Learn more about the Clean and Affordable Buildings Ordinance
The Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition would like to extend an invitation to their community event in Pilsen on Monday, March 25th at 4:30 PM to inform the community about the Clean and Affordable Buildings Ordinance. This Listen, Lead, Share event will be hosted by Pilsen Neighbors at the Lozano Public Library, with the collaboration of community partners such as Citizens Utility Board, Faith in Place, and Illinois PIRG. The event will be held in Spanish to be able to reach more of the community.

Annual Latino Health Fair
The Annual Latino Health Fair will held Saturday, April 13, 2024 at Instituto Del Progresso Latino located at 2520 S. Western Avenue. Spaces are still available for tables and booth and would love your support and participation
We will be conducting free Clinical Breast Exams and our goal is is to register 125 Latinas and we are also hosting a FREE Promotoras de Salud training luncheon for Promotoras de Salud. We have 75 spaces available on a first come first serve registration basis.
Apply for the STEAMbassador Initiative
Our initiative’s primary goal is to provide a year-long integrated calendar of STEAM experiences located within your community’s schools, libraries, and parks. These experiences will support youth in developing their STEAMS interests through intentionally designed exploring, apprenticing, researching, and teaching opportunities, depending on their age and stage of education.

Gala to raise money for mutual aid for immigrants
Friday, March 22
Sway Dance Chicago, 3317 W. Irving Park Rd
Community for Communities is focussed on buying a moving van/truck to help move immigrants from shelters to their apartments. Currently volunteers have been helping, but this is really no longer sustainable. We would be picking up donated furniture and household items and delivering them to the immigrants.

Hanul Family Alliance hosting multilevel, multiethnic ESL classes
Their offices are located in Albany Park. This April, they will be piloting a multilevel, multiethnic ESL class at our Albany Park office.

Sponsor Tellin Tales Theatre’s new show
Tellin’ Tales Theatre is looking for sponsors for “Hands Up! Body.” Our mission is to shatter barriers
between the disabled and non-disabled worlds through the transformative power of personal story. Incorporated in 1996, our company works with both children and adults with and without disabilities to write and stage theatrically innovative productions. The current project is “Hands Up! Body” to be performed at the NEIU Stage Center and Mrs. Murphy’s and Sons, in March.
They are asking for your support on this project as a sponsor. To schedule a short call, or email/exchange to further the conversation reach out to: Stephen Donart, Program Director,, 773-704-5536
Evictions Townhall with Law Center for Better Housing (LCBH)
April 17th at 9:30am – 11am, Register here
The Chicago Community Trust, 33 S. State St., or virtually via Zoom
After last year’s success, we are back with an updated panel to discuss the continued importance of legal aid and emergency rental assistance inside Chicago’s eviction courtrooms from legal aid, public policy, and data analysis perspectives. Plus, you’ll hear directly from a renter who used these essential resources to stabilize their housing.

Friends of the Park Citywide Earth Day Parks Clean Up
Saturday, April 20.
Join thousands of volunteers in parks across Chicago in picking up litter and putting down mulch to give our precious green spaces a fresh start for the season. To make this event possible, we need site captains to recruit and organize all those wonderful volunteers. Please sign up to be a site captain for your park.
North Park Village Outreach and Engagement Team
Please fill out their survey. The survey is to help the advisory council put together a plan that would address an evolving range of topics including: Transportation, walking & biking; Open space, gardens, & sustainability; Public safety; Historic preservation; Adaptive re-use of existing vacant and underutilized facilities; Parks – Updated Vision Plans for Peterson Park and North Park Village Nature Center Park

Monthly Newsletter for “Service Members, Veterans, their Families, and Supporters”
We are happy to feature the following community-managed resources guides for service members, veterans, their families, and supporters including events and services for veterans in Chicago and surrounding municipalities. Please email: to be added to their monthly emails. You can view this month’s updates and fliers by clicking here. You can review the following helpful calendars for an overview of events: March SMVF Calendar, Veteran Event Calendar and the AllenForce Calendar.
Art Institute of Chicago Free Days
Learn details by clicking here.
Admission is free for Illinois residents on weekdays (Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays), January 8–March 22, 2024. Their new gallery tour is available in Spanish and American Sign Language.
Free admission is available to current Illinois educators, including pre-K–12 teachers, teaching artists working in schools, and homeschool parents. Educators can register online to receive a voucher for a complimentary ticket to the museum.
Connect with our local schools by accessing a list of schools on our website by clicking here.
Bateman Spring Fling!
Spring Fling 2024 is just around the corner! We are thrilled to have you join us for an evening of fun and excitement while raising funds for Bateman Elementary at Artifact Events on April 26th from 7pm-11pm.
We hope you have a wonderful time mingling with fellow guests, bidding on incredible items, and most importantly, helping us make a difference with your generous support. (If you would like to attend for a reduced cost we have a limited amount of volunteer tickets available. Please email if you are interested!)

CPS Seeks Honorary Student Board of Education Member for 2024-25 School Year
Application open for rising CPS juniors and seniors until April 26: Apply
Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is now accepting applications for the next honorary student member of the Board of Education. Each year, an honorary student board member represents the interests and perspectives of all CPS students on a Board that makes decisions and shapes policies for the nation’s fourth largest school district.
The application process for the one-year term opens today, Thursday, March 22, and remains open until 5 p.m. Friday, April 26. All CPS rising 11th or 12th-grade students are encouraged to apply to serve for the 2024-25 school year through this Google form on the Board of Education’s website. To be eligible, a student must hold a 3.0 G.P.A. or above and demonstrate proven leadership experience.
Bateman Elementary SY25 Enrollment Updates
Please see below for important information regarding Preschool Applications through Chicago Early Learning. The application window opens on April 9th! Future Bateman families, please save the date for In-Boundary Kindergarten Enrollment to begin on Monday, April 1st. More information will be forthcoming! For those who reside outside of the Bateman Attendance Boundaries, Kindergarten GoCPS Offers will be released on Friday, March 22nd.
Help CPS Highlight Your School
CPS wants to share stories from our local school communities. For example, the amazing things that are happening day-to-day in our schools, along with the people who are making them happen. There is no better source for this good news than you—the members of our school communities—so we hope you will consider sharing your stories by completing this brief form. Fill out this form so that they can share your stories in their newsletter, on the District’s blog, across the CPS social media channels, and through press releases and advisories to the media.
Learn About Teach Chicago Tomorrow: Our Program for CPS Graduates to Become CPS Teachers!
If you know a CPS senior or recent graduate who wants to become a teacher, Teach Chicago Tomorrow is the program for them. Teach Chicago Tomorrow supports students as they earn their bachelor’s degree in education by providing them with mentorship, financial support, and a clear pathway to becoming a CPS teacher. Currently, first-year CPS teachers make a minimum annual salary of $66,000.
To learn more about the Teach Chicago Tomorrow program, interested students should fill out the program interest form and sign up for an upcoming virtual information session. Questions? Email!
GoCPS Family Training Events RSVP here
Elementary school offers from GoCPS will be available on March 22nd. Families who applied for entry into kindergarten through 8th (including academic centers) can log into their online GoCPS accounts at this time and view new elementary school offers received and waitlist notifications.
Roosevelt High School Bingo Night Fundraiser
Tuesday Apr 9, 2024 from 7pm – 9pm
Templestowe Pub Chicago, 3135 W Montrose Ave
Bingo night hosted by Templestowe Pub! Bingo games are free and Friends of RHS will sell raffle tix. 20% of bar sales will be donated to Friends of RHS.
Save the date – Celebrate Cleveland 2024
Friday, May 3rd at Michelle’s Ballroom
Sign up to volunteer professional services to neighbors in need
Our office is putting out a call to local professionals, businesses, and consultants that would like to be on a list of resources for neighbors in need. Our office regularly needs advice regarding architecture, building construction, and many other areas of professional expertise. This will not be a business directory. We are specifically seeking members of the community that are willing to provide professional advice to our team and members of our community in times of extreme need. We will not be connecting our constituents to these professionals for the purpose of providing contracts or expanding their business. If you would like to help, you can fill out this contact form and our team will be in touch before adding you to our directory.
CPS is Hiring Bus Drivers
Bus driver resumes can be sent to Rates of pay have been increased to between $22-27/hour.

Apply Now to be a Chicago Park District Summer Lifeguard!
Complete three easy steps: (1) Apply (2) Take the swim test (3) Get hired! Get a $50 Amazon gift card for taking the test, and $400 for completing the training. Must be a Chicago resident age 16 or older by July 1, 2024. Enjoy your perfect summer job in the parks! Apply now at
The Chicago Parks District is Hiring
You can apply by clicking here.

Below is a list of Mental Health resources that are available locally here in the City of Chicago.
- CDPH Resources
- City of Chicago STI Specialty Clinics
- City of Chicago Mental Health Centers
- City of Chicago Mental Health Website
- Illinois Department of Human Services
- Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: Call 988
- Rincon Family Services Mental Health Crisis Line: (773) 640-9803
The Chicago Department of Public Health has created a measles outbreak dashboard that is being updated in real time to share statistical data and detailed resources about measles, such as symptoms to watch for and how to check your vaccination status. You can access the dashboard by clicking here. CDPH has also begun a weekly news brief, which will be released in written form on their media release dashboard which can be found by clicking here.
CDPH is recommending that Chicagoans check their vaccination status and receive a vaccine if they are unvaccinated. The Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccine is a widely distributed vaccine that is readily available. If you are unsure about your vaccination status or that of your children, they recommend reaching out to your healthcare provider. If you or your children have been vaccinated in the state of Illinois, your vaccination status can also be checked by using the Illinois Department of Public Health Vax Verify tool.
For those who need it, the MMR vaccine is available at most doctor’s offices and pharmacies. Under Illinois law, children as young as 10 can receive immunizations at a pharmacy. In addition, CDPH Immunization clinics around Chicago provide MMR vaccinations free of charge to all children ages 0–18 and uninsured adults ages 19 and older. In addition, the MMR vaccine is part of the standard offerings at all 32 CPS school-based health clinics, and through their elementary and high school and charter mobile clinics. Information on all vaccine opportunities available through CPS can be found at
Make an appointment for your free Covid or flu vaccine from a city clinic
Location information can be found by clicking this link. You can see a list of flu clinics by clicking here.
Life-saving Narcan now available throughout Chicago’s airports
The CDA has introduced a new program to counter the opioid epidemic by providing the overdose medication Narcan at O’Hare and Midway International Airports. The medication is set inside of Automated External Defibrillator (AED) cabinets located in the pre- and post-security areas throughout O’Hare and Midway. When the cabinets are opened, an alarm is triggered, guiding officers to locations where individuals require assistance following heart or overdose issues.
Safer Use Society
Weekly on Wednesdays at 5:30pm. RSVP for location.
Thrive for Change is providing a weekly event as social support for individuals actively using drugs, on MAT, those seeking an alternative to a 12-step program & everything in between. No abstinence required, no expectations, no judgment, just compassionate understanding & support. This is a hybrid style meeting, meaning that you can show up in person or online via zoom.
We fully embrace harm reduction based programming and activities, we will host monthly skill shares, peer-peer community-based development, & culturally competent facilitation. This is not a 12-step group. More details can be found in the RSVP form or at social media @thrive_4change
Narcan and Fentanyl Test Strips Available at Our Ward Office
Our office has been certified to distribute Narcan and Fentanyl testing resources to our community. You can stop by during our open hours or reach out to for more information.
Free Asthma Services from American Lung Association
Do you know a child, adult or family member that has uncontrolled asthma? The American Lung Association in Greater Chicago has a program where a skilled healthcare professional will visit your home and provide an asthma assessment. The healthcare professional will provide health education and any materials and products needed to mitigate your asthma symptoms. Products include, but are not limited to, green cleaners, HEPA vacuum cleaners, air cleaners, beds, bed and pillow covers. More information by clicking here.
My office believes that the best approach to community safety requires us all to participate in conversation together, to learn about each others’ needs and find ways to support each person. We encourage everyone to participate in the CCPSA, attend your regular beat meetings (CAPS), and your local CCPSA District Council local meetings.
Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability
Last year, Chicagoans elected their first ever Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability (CCPSA). The CCPSA is a city-wide elected body of three representatives from each police district. These representatives have a wide range of responsibilities that you can learn more about by clicking here.
CCPSA Announced Meeting Schedule for 2023.
17th District CAPS Meetings:
17th District CAPS Webpage with schedule.
Please contact the 17th District Community Policing Office / CAPS, if there are any questions or concerns.
Email: Telephone: 312-742-4588
Click here for information about beat meetings.
Block Party Applications
Request Ward Services
CDOT Infrastructure Improvement Map
33rd Ward Community Driven Zoning
33rd Ward Safety and Wellness
Find your CAPS Beat
Recycling and garbage schedule
2023 Street Sweeping schedule and interactive map
COVID-19 Resources
Resources for Seniors
Resources for Renters
Chicago Clerk’s Office
Address: 4747 N Sawyer Ave, Chicago, IL 60625
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 10am – 5pm; Friday 9am – 4pm
Phone: 773-840-7880
Follow up on Facebook
**Follow our social media and connect with resources: linktree
Veronica Tirado-Mercado, Chief of Staff
Stacy Erenberg, Deputy Chief of Staff
Jonathan Nagy, Director of Communications and Engagement
Rebecca Rios, Director of Infrastructure and Zoning
Abraham Espino, Neighborhood and Business Services Coordinator
Jordan Balter, Community Outreach and Safety Coordinator
Eric Ramos, Ward Superintendent
Ariana Aguilar, Neighborhood Services Representative
Charlie Billingsley III, Neighborhood Services Intern
John Cruz-Barcenas, Legislative Assistant
Do you have news to share?
We are always trying to improve our communication! If you have information to share with the community, we would like to know! To submit an item for our weekly newsletter, please send an email with the event details including date, time, and location, and a brief written description. Any photos should be submitted in .JPEG format. Please submit by 5pm on Thursday.