Business Services
Permits & Licenses
Liquor Licenses
The City of Chicago is committed to assisting you through the process and helping you succeed. Obtaining a liquor license is a comprehensive process that involves both community input and facilities inspections. Whether you are looking to start a grocery store, restaurant, bar, nightclub, or are ready to buy or expand a business, this information will provide you with the basics you need to get started and help you make the right decisions.
Mobile Food Truck Licenses
If you’re looking to start a food truck or already own one the provisions of the upgraded Mobile Food Dispenser (MFD) license and the new Mobile Food Preparer (MFP) license, and the procedural steps required to obtain them can be found here
Public Way Use Permit
The Small Business Center (SBC) – Public Way Use Unit (PWU) issues permits to business owners who have any items (e.g. signs, canopies, awnings, benches, sidewalk cafes, etc.) that extend out (i.e. over, under, or on) to the public way from their business locations. There are many different types of public way uses, and, the process to obtain the permit requires City Council approval.
Easy Permit Program
The Easy Permit Program is a streamlined permitting process for small, simple home and building improvement projects. It allows home and building owners to obtain a permit to repair or replace existing features of a building or make minor modifications without providing architectural plans.
More information here.
Loading Zones
The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) installs and maintains standing zone and loading zone signage. This program provides business and residents with access to portions of the street for loading of goods and temporary standing of an unattended vehicle for a short period of time with flashers left on. New standing zones and new loading zones require aldermanic input and further review by the Department of Transportation. Initial installation fees and annual maintenance fees are based on the distance of the zone.
For an overview of the process, download a new standing zone or new loading zone application, determine the applicable fees, or for a list of frequently asked questions, please go to CDOT’s Loading Zones And Standing Zones page.
Small Business Resources
Chicago Business Center (CBC)
The CBC is an initiative of the Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) to serve as a one stop shop for business licensing in Chicago. Resources available include all City licensing requirements, business location finder, financial assistance, and tax registration. Also available are resources to renew current licenses, building permits, contract opportunities, and employee trainings, and much more!
Contact Marisabel Pozo with any questions or to set up an appointment.
Mobile: 312-860-9294
Restaurant Start-up Program
The Restaurant Start-Up Program is designed to make it easier for entrepreneurs to start a restaurant in the City of Chicago. The City is a partner helping you grow and create jobs by making the start-up process easier, reducing inspection visits and wait times through a team-based approach, helping restaurants pass their inspections, and increasing inspection transparency.
More information can be found here
Neighborhood Business Development Centers (NBDC)
The City of Chicago, Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP), Neighborhood Business Development Centers (NBDC) program provides grants to Chicago-based chambers of commerce and business support organizations, otherwise known as NBDC delegate agencies, to assist in the development of small businesses in Chicago, serve as liaison between local businesses and the City of Chicago, and provide neighborhood business development services.
In 2012, the City of Chicago formed the Chicago Microlending Institute (CMI), a first-in-the-nation institute that trains new lenders to make targeted loans to the City’s smallest businesses. The CMI administers the Small Business Loan Fund which is aimed at supporting the smallest businesses in Chicago with targeted microlending.