Author: 33rd Ward Staff

33rd Ward Newsletter – September 9, 2022

September 15th is a significant day because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries, such as Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16th and September 18th, respectively. This week, we want to highlight the Guatemalan community here in Chicago and we invite you to celebrate with us for their Independence Day Parade happening Sunday, September 11th at 11 am.   **** Yesterday, members of the City Council Committee for Health and Human Relations made huge strides toward making Chicago safe for people seeking gender-affirming care throughContinue

33rd Ward Newsletter – September 2, 2022

This week our city received 75 immigrant neighbors from different countries in Central America and Venezuela. As you know, we made Chicago a Sanctuary City and we are intentionally working to be a welcoming place for all people in need of refuge. We are collaborating with the city, state, and delegation agencies to ensure the well-being of the individuals and families that have recently arrived. Donations are being accepted at the 33rd Ward Alderman's office (3001 W Irving Park Rd), the 35th Ward Alderman's office (2934 N Milwaukee Ave), and Rincon Family Services (3710 N Kedzie Ave). Items being collected:Continue

33rd Ward Newsletter – August 26, 2022

This year, our ward has experienced an influx of infrastructure development, which has been vital for the improvement of our streets, alleys, and sidewalks. We'd like to provide updates on these changes and give more information on what's to come: Kedzie Ave has been resurfaced, neighbors can expect to see traffic lanes and bike lanes drawn soon!CDOT is currently building curb extensions on Irving Park Rd, Belmont Ave, and Montrose Ave to aid in pedestrian safety when crossing the street and enforcing vehicles to slow down. Curb extensions on Montrose Ave is scheduled for the week of September 5th.Lawrence Ave hasContinue

33rd Ward Newsletter – August 19, 2022

In anticipation of the upcoming school year, which begins on August 22nd, I took time this week to visit each school within our ward. It was beautiful to witness the excitement and dedication the school staff holds for all of their students. 2021-22 School Improvements: North River Elementary will begin the school year in their brand new building! This achievement was pursued through community advocacy.Roosevelt High School is preparing for the construction of the $5.8M investment we secured through TIF funding. Roosevelt High School has been serving our community for 100 years and next year they’ll be able to haveContinue

Community Meeting to discuss Circle K proposal at 2756 W. Belmont

Feedback submission will be open until Friday, September 9th. Presentation Slides Urban-CK-Deck-8.22-Neighborhood-PresentationDownload Neighbors are invited to learn about a proposal to bring a Circle K, convenience store, to 2756 W Belmont and lifting the Liquor Moratoriums currently in place at that address, to allow the sale of Spirits. Residents will have an opportunity to ask questions and submit feedback to inform the Alderman's decision. Lifting a liquor moratorium allows for the business to apply for a liquor license. If moratorium is lifted, the business will still need to go through an application process for their liquor license.

33rd Ward Newsletter – August 12, 2022

"Last weekend I had the opportunity to travel to Denver, Colorado for a national convening of progressive local elected officials. As part of the steering committee for the Public Safety Working Group, I had an opportunity to meet with the professionals who run the Support Team Assisted Response (STAR) program. This program is a mental health crisis response model that sends a paramedic and a social worker to mental health emergency calls. The STAR program has responded to 5,517 incidents without needing to call for police backup. Here in Chicago, I introduced the crisis response and care ordinance also known as Treatment NotContinue

33rd Ward Newsletter – August 5, 2022

[GTranslate]  In this weeks newsletter we highlight multiple opportunities for our neighbors to get involved in the community and attend back to school events for youth and families. CPS is starting the upcoming school year earlier than before! The first day of school is on August 22nd, and we have a couple events happening to help students and families get prepared. You are welcome to attend the Back to School Drive with Israel's Gift and the Back 2 School Fiesta! Backpacks and school supplies will be offered at both events. We hope to see you there! Through Participatory Budgeting inContinue

33rd Ward Newsletter – July 29, 2022

We are not going to stand by as the right-wing Supreme Court and the GOP roll back the clock on abortion access and reproductive health care. That’s why last week I introduced the Bodily Autonomy Sanctuary ordinance (O2022-2486) to protect people seeking or providing reproductive health and gender affirming care. One part of this ordinance will ensure that local law enforcement does not collaborate to criminalize people for receiving the medical care they need or people aiding others in accessing care. The executive order prohibits “any city agency from taking part in legal proceedings initiated by another state that wants to impose civil or criminalContinue

33rd Ward Newsletter – July 22, 2022

This week, I introduced three pieces of legislation that I worked very hard on the during the last few months:  ❤️ 1. Ordinance: The Bodily Autonomy Sanctuary City OrdinanceThe Bodily Autonomy Sanctuary City ordinance seeks to ensure that people who come to our city seeking or providing reproductive or gender affirming care or looking for refuge after receiving care elsewhere are as protected as possible from being criminalized. We are working with our colleagues at every level of government and with community and advocacy organizations like Chicago Abortion Fund, Planned Parenthood IL, Equality IL and so many others to ensure that ourContinue

33rd Ward Newsletter – July 15, 2022

I am proud to co-sponsor an ordinance calling for the creation of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention alongside Live Free and other community groups highly impacted by gun violence. In 2021 alone, 745 Chicagoans were killed due to gun violence, and Black Chicagoans were victims of more than 80% of homicides. For years, community members, organizers, faith leaders, students and more have been fighting for safety in their communities. Our current Office of Violence Reduction was a step in the right direction, but is nowhere near enough. The goal of the ordinance is to create community accountability, long-term, andContinue

4747 N Sawyer Ave. Chicago, IL 60625