2023 Voting Results are in!
Results as follows in order of the most amount of votes:
- Creating bike lanes on Central Park Ave & Berteau Ave
- Installing a turf field in Linne Elementary School’s playground
- Adding more garbage cans and planters between Lawrence Ave & Wilson Ave along Kimball Ave
- Renovating Haugan Elementary School’s Play Space
These results came from 1341 total votes from residents with over 1500 residents engaged in the Participatory Budgeting process!
50% ($500,000) of our funding will go towards the projects with the highest votes from our community and the other 50% will go towards street and alley repavement in our ward.
Policy Results

In addition to voting for infrastructure improvements in the ward, the PB ballot also included questions about which policy issues are most important to residents. These results allow the alderwoman to know which policy issues need more focus.
79% of voters want more advocacy for the Complete Streets Initiative. In 2022, this initiative was pushed forward by the 47th Ward Alderman, Matt Martin, and Rossana signed onto it in support. This ordinance will help to ensure that CDOT considers pedestrian, cyclist, and transit users’ safety when designing roadways and sidewalks.
68% of voters said increasing the PB budget from $1 million to $5 million was important. Every ward has a critical need for more infrastructure improvements. An example would be if an alley consistently floods and needs to be redone, the repair would cost about one-quarter of the ward’s annual budget. Increasing the budget to $5 million would allow for the ward to pay for more infrastructure improvements a year.
Winning Projects
Below is the detailed list of winning projects with the estimated costs of implementation.